Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 35

I know.  I'm very ashamed of myself.  I was at the beach TWICE on Saturday and didn't take a SINGLE picture of the surf. *hangs head*.  Instead, I have a really REALLY bad macro shot of nothing much. :-/  Ah well...there's another one due next weekend so I PROMISE I'll get that one.


Week 35 August 28 2010
'Crinkled Cup'

My Uncle Glenn's picture:
'Mission Style'

My Aunt Deanne's picture


  1. WOW....the beach one is amazing. Your aunt must be a wonderful photographer! And how wise of her to take advantage of the approaching storm! :-D

  2. You're not so anonymous when you consider I have a vistor tracker..:-P

    And yes. I will take advantage of Earl, Fiona, or which hurricane decides to take a pot-shot at us.
