Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pictures of the Week(s)

I started this thing at the beginning of this year with my aunt and uncle which entails taking at least one picture a week and putting all these weekly shots together in one place.  Recently, I've fallen down on the job of keeping them organized so my aunt and uncle have subsequently been hounding me to get my act together and organize them/email them to them (since we're in this together we email each other the pictures).  So now I'm uploading weeks 1-20 on here in this post and then weeks 20-30ish (I don't know exactly which week we're on) once I get them organized.

Warning: Some of them are not in any way, shape, or form, any good. ;-)

The date is the date the shot was taken, if that's not obvious. ;-)

Week 1 (Jan 1, 2010) "A New Year Dawns"

Week 2 (Jan 8 2010) "The Final Ornament"

Week 3 (Jan 16 2010) "Layered Path"

Week 4 (Jan 17 2010) "75th Birthday"

Week 5 (Jan 30 2010) "Ruffled Water"

Week 6 (Feb 6 2010) "End of the Line"

Week 7 (Feb 10 2010) "Snow Dive"

Week 8 (Feb 14 2010) "Snap, Crackle, and Pop"

Week 9 (Feb 27 2010) "Kiskadee"

Week 10 (Mar 6 2010) "Pre-Game Warm-Ups"

Week 11 (Mar 13 2010) "Customer Lists"

Week 12 (Mar 20 2010) "Candlelight?"

Week 13 (Mar 27 2010) "Loquats"

Week 14 (Apr 2 2010) "Before and After"*

Week 15 (Apr 8 2010) "Rocky Shore"

Week 16 (Apr 13 2010) "Longtail"

Week 17 (Apr 18 2010) "Retreating Tide"

Week 18 (May 1 2010) "Reading Light"

Week 19 (May 4 2010) "Milkweed Blossoms"

Week 20 (May 9 2010) "Symmetry"

*My kite for Good Friday, before and after trying to fly it.  It never did get up.  The picture doesn't show the damage very well.  It was a lot worse off than it looks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow those are all beautiful. Your home is a beautiful place. The titles made me laugh, I must admit. Most of the birds I've never heard of/seen and I never heard of/saw a loquat.
