Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Baby Longtail!

On Monday I got to go to Grace Island, one of the many islands in the Bermudian archipelago.  Hooray for long weekends!  One of the (many) things I did while there was find (okay okay...get shown) a longtail nest with a baby in it.  But for the fact that the mother is not ejecting it from the nest, one could hardly tell it was in fact a longtail.  It just looks like a ball of white fuzz with eyes and a beak.  It also made a noise very much like that of a squeaky toy, furthering the impression that it was a plushie, rather than a live bird.

The question is, why am I not just putting in pictures?

They're certainly well tucked in...

My aunt went back later...and found the nest lacking any adult bird.  I think she wins.  Expect to see that picture in the weekly post at the end of this week (that is in fact inferring that I will be caught up by then).


  1. a) you're right. i do win. abs came with me that time so saw the baby sans mamma, but she did not have a camera.
    b) you are also right that it IS my POTW for this week however i will not hold my breath expecting those to be posted in a timely fashion. :-)
